
Blowing shakuhachi quietens the fluctuations of the mind and quietening the mind helps to blow shakuhachi.

Anyone who spends time with a shakuhachi appreciates the intimacy and beauty of blowing a single tone on the flute. That in itself can be thoroughly rewarding. However, it is in the nature of these Japanese arts that the thirst for form arises and we yearn to take the tone for a walk.

Jin Nyodo made a point of stressing the relationship between good form and zen practice.

We make no distinction between traveling the path or attaining a result. Efforting is there, and valued, as much as the outcome of the effort is valued, whatever it may be. As a beginner, you are volunteering to continually mess up. It's all valid.

You can be completely relaxed: body, embouchure, face muscles and shoulders, as you play and try to do what your teacher asks you to do. This is not easy to do when you are not trained fully. When training is well under way and you have some skills in play, everything is less work and less stressful. Ultimately, deep training will give you the best tools for staying relaxed under different circumstances and playing at your best. It's true of any musical instrument.