Japanshakuhachi originated in 2003, when David Sawyer became the source for new shakuhachi for a few local players who were having difficulty getting their hands on quality flutes to audition. As the word spread, David had the good fortune to be introduced to several excellent and senior Japanese makers of fine shakuhachi. As good instruments started to arrive from Japan, the client base grew and now Japanshakuhachi provides new flutes to players all over the world.
David Sawyer lives near Boulder, Colorado. He and his wife Yoko teach from their home in Louisville, where there are traditional spaces for Japanese tea ceremony and music performance. Between them they teach koto, shamisen, shakuhachi, biwa and tea.
The intention behind Japanshakuhachi was to make it easier for American buyers to actually hold and audition good instruments from Japan, without having to buy blind. Now, Japanshakuhachi sells instruments to players from countries as diverse as Columbia, China, Brazil, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia, Austria, Denmark and many others. We provide a variety of types of shakuhachi to beginners, professionals, traditional musicians, jazz players, and to those who want to simply blow meditatively on great bamboo.